You Need To Vote
I cannot emphasize this enough.
Local elections. State elections. National elections. All the damn elections.
Every single level of governance impacts your life so, so much, and some of you have no idea. This whole "I don't do politics" thing is a bunch of bullsh*t.
Politics does you every single day. Your health insurance or lack of it, your student loans, your rights based on gender, race, sexuality, etc. Take a look at all the bills they've introduced against everyday people. It's revolting and inhumane.
These people in office they dictate the state of your lives. Right now, they are playing with your lives. It is disrespectful as hell.
You spend so much time on social media, why not stop being influenced by tiktok and every clip you see, and start putting in the effort into some research. Who is running? Why? When? Do I agree with this?
Then, when you see them say something, go look if they actually live by their words based on their actions.
Whatever you do, you must start getting involved for each and every one of your sakes and your futures.
(Side note: to vote, you must register to do so and there are different deadline dates by states. Voters also have rights. Look into all this.)