I miss old genshin
For me genshin was at its best in sumeru especially in the rain forest , I feel annoyed when I play even tho I am not someone who is a grinder I play maybe once every week if i feel like it if i don't then I don't.
After fontaines AQ I don't feel excited playing any more , idk what now
I feel like I resent the game and hoyo for not making it better.
To me this game lost most of its spark and as much as i wanna say idc I do bc this game carries with it for me alot of precious memories that I feel have been discrated by the game rn
when i play other games and enjoy them alot but maybe it's the nostalgia talking nothing can capture the feelings i had whlile playing this game like anymore.
Edit to add : despite all I said, I overall love this game, but rn i really am not feeling it