I'm tired of Bennet

I'm tired of Bennet Circle Impact.

I try to play Navia, Bennet needs to be there.

I try to play Chasca, Bennet needs to be there.

I try to play Mavuika, Bennet needs to be there.

I try to play melt or vape, Bennet needs to be there.

I try to play Kinich, Bennet needs to be there.

I play the Circle impact and enemy moves out. I play Chasca and enemies follow me and move out. I play mavuika motorcircle and enemies get pushed out.

Bennet is in every team, everywhere, anywhere.

Why in this world we don't still have a valid atk booster alternative after nearly five years.

Dear Mihoyo, mavuika is not the pyro archon. Bennet is and always have been.

I try to pull for characters and Bennet is there every 3 banners.

My Bennet is C39.

Please Mihoyo, give us an atk buffer who do not require circle and is at least hydro or cryo.

Bennet king we had enough.