Graduation story!

I was 38w2d when my baby was measuring 8lbs 14oz. Both MFM and my OB are low-key, “no need to induce” type people. Both were starting to get concerned with the size. Also the NST had a “hiccup” and they wanted me to be monitored by labor and delivery

The additional monitoring showed nothing out of the ordinary but the dr on call also was concerned about the size. I was not dilated, not effaced.

So we decided to start induction the next evening.

First round of cytocec was started at 10pm on 3/12. I had some mild contractions but slept pretty well. Second round was around 3am on 3/13. Contractions totally stopped after 2nd dose until around 7-8am. Around 8am, I was 3cm dilated.

They started pitocin around 10am on a 2. Around 1 or 2, I was 3-4cm dilated and 80% effaced. Around 3, I felt pressure in my nether regions and was 10cm dilated! I worked through 30mins of pressure on my own under nurse’s guidance.

He was born around 4:15pm with 2 pushes.

MFM measurements: 8lbs14oz Birth weight: 7lbs 15oz

He had a knot in his umbilical cord as well.