Does anyone plan on staying somewhat on the GD diet after birth?

I know it’s fun waiting for the day to have our cake, cookies and sweets again because I myself have a whole list of what I want. But is anyone considering doing like a hybrid GD diet after birth? Not going to lie, I’m diet controlled and I haven’t felt this strong and overall good about my body and food in a long time. I say this diagnosis was my blessing in disguise, I’m not a tiny girl. Pre-pregnancy I weighed 175 and I’m 5’8 so higher end of the BMI. I lost 10 pounds first trimester due to being sick but I’m back up to 181 and feel pretty good. I’m highly considering counting carbs after pregnancy. Not because of weight or anything, I just grew a human I could care less what the scale says…but I’m talking about prioritizing protein and how good it makes me feel.