[Discussion] How do I get myself to want to actually go to the gym and to actually prioritize looks/health?

I've had a gym membership since February and it's almost September. I've only gone to the gym.. 3 times since I renewed it in February. I went to gym only 2 times the year before. Why did I renew it? I said to myself "YEAH, WE'RE GONNA DO IT! WE'RE GONNA DO IT AND WE'RE GONNA EAT HEALTHY! YEAH!". My diet only lasted a week.

I know why I don't want to go, as much as I want to be a very social person, I'm antisocial. I don't want people watching me workout and potentially laughing etc because I might be doing something wrong. Hell, I even got a nutritionist/trainer to write me up a solid program and I'm that resistant to doing a "circuit" workout that consists of an ab workout near a back machine. Why? Because I feel like it'll look out of place, it'll look absurd/dumb.