Grandma Encounters UFO and Men in Black

It was summer 1989 and I got to leave the Lakota rez and spend the entire summer with my half-brother (same dad different moms) in Kentucky. I was 12 and he was 14 during this time. His step-dad was pretty cool and smart too. He was a nuclear physicist and always had an answer for everything. Not in a sarcastic way either but in a genuine way. Especially if it pertained to the natural world.

My step-grandma was a nurse and worked a swing shift at two different hospitals. That poor lady not only worked like 16 hours a day but also would come home to clean house and cook large meals for everyone. I felt so bad for her. Like on the rez my family all live next door to each other, where my brother's family was they did too. So sometimes we'd go over and help out his grandma cook and clean. We even got started on firewood for her because she'd often do that too.

We'd sometimes stay until she left work for night and then walk the field back home. It was different there in rural Kentucky, the nights were darker and the dark was quieter. Not that it couldn't be on the rez but there was always someone moving about. Sure, you could go out a lot further and reach the same level of dark and quietness on the rez, but I am going to assume you know what I am talking about. Occasionally a passing car on the highway or a distant freight train would break up the monotony there in Kentucky.

My brother's step-dad ended up getting cable TV one day along with a movie channel so we had made plans to binge watch all the movies we could that Friday night. So we let grandma know we would not be over that day. My brother even invited his friend over to spend the night and we had gone to town earlier and bought all the snacks, pizza, potato chips, black cherry, strawberry, cola and lemon-lime canned sodas and plenty of candy. If I remember right Escape from New York was going to be on that night.

Finally Johnny Carson was over and the adults were going to bed. No sooner than we get settled in, there was a loud knock on the door. My brother's step-uncle Bill (his step-dad's brother) was at the door demanding to speak with his brother we asked if everything was okay, but he had this look of terror on his face and waved us off. Step-dad comes out and his brother says we need to talk about mom so they stepped outside and we all were trying to listen but they took a walk. A few moments later step-dad comes in gets dressed and says he'll be back. He also had a look, but one of disbelief.

Here's what happened as it was known to us. That night grandma was going to work like normal which was around 9PM at night. She said she got a few miles down the road (keep in mind this a rural road with little traffic especially at night) when all of a sudden a bright blinding white light shown over her car. She described it as intense and hot. It caused her car to stall. The light was about 50 or so feet above her and never made a noise. She sat there paralyzed with fear until it left about 10 minutes later. She was then able to start her car again and went back home. She said she tried to call her son my brother's step-dad but the line was dead but was able to call her other son Bill.

Bill and my brother's step-dad took turns driving her to work for the next few months until she got over her fear and even then she took another route to work. She also said a few days later two men dressed in black ties came to talk to her. She said they claimed to work for the Government and showed badges and asked her a bunch of questions. It changed her personality. She went from being warm and non-aggressive to being impatient and short with people, family included. but years later she denied everything, denied seeing anything or talking to anyone. My brother's step-dad believes it was something military related and she was threatened not to say or speak about it. Everyone tried to get her to see a therapist. I always thought she acted that way because she felt violated and no one would believe her.

Shortly after that, a year or so I suppose shadow figures started being seen around the outside of her house and my brother's where there wasn't any sort of paranormal activity before. That was the last time I was ever allowed over there we did a cleansing ritual when I got home as my dad isn't into that sort of thing at all. All he would say is that he knew there was bad juju there.