Never Mind the Ghost in the Hallway
This happened a few days ago. Right now I am living in a small Nebraska town with a small community hospital. I was visiting a friend in the ER. They were in a double room and I needed to use the bathroom, but it was in use by the other patient. So I asked a nurse where another bathroom was. She pointed down the hall, said take a right at the end and it will be 3rd door on the right. Cool. So I trotted down there. Took a right and notice and old woman sitting in a blue wheelchair trying to go into a room, all I could see was the back of her head barely poking over the top of the back of the wheelchair and her arm out reached grabbing the door handle.
I froze right there. I got this burning sensation in the pit of my stomach like something was off. I slowly just turned around and started walking back to the room. Before I got back around the corner I looked back and lady and wheelchair were gone. I was thinking no way in hell did that old lady get in the room that fast. I go back to my friend's room and the other person was out of the bathroom. So I used it.
Anyway, one of the nurses came into check on my friend and I told her about the old lady. The nurse turned white as a ghost herself and said, "Oh my god, you saw our resident ghost and that was the room she died in." Oh gees I thought. Oh it gets good. She told her co-workers and everyone it seemed started coming into the room and talking about the ghost lady and their encounters. One of the nurses said the ghost had once grabbed a patient and asked her to go in the room to get her yellow flowers. It was just such an odd moment that we all were bonding over this ghost lady.
Another nurse said she had died of cancer and was waiting on her son to visit but he never showed up. We pretty much all agreed she is waiting still for her son to visit. Yeah, that made me pretty damned sad. Poor lady.