[REQUEST][Ps5] Mw3 which is discounted to $34.99
Hello im here today asking for mw3 im a trophy hunter and want to get 100% on the mw2 trophy list mw3 being a add on to the trophy list means i need to get it to do so i have played the game before even that campaign thats called really bad which i ended up enjoying and as a massive cod fan who owns most the games already i know i will get my playtime out of it form all of the mode multiplayer campaign zombies i will play it alot i just cant get the game myself and decided to come here to see if i have any luck if someone dose i thank you very much because im currently stuck at home with out much to do and this will give me a chance to play another cod that isnt mw2 or bo6 for a bit they trophies take a long time to get last time i checked so i can tell this will be fun
The campaign might be bad to some i enjoy it even the kinda meh story and the open combat missions that part of the trophy list will take a while
The multiplayer is really fun as its just better mw2 with new guns better movement and more content
The zombies is always my favorite mode in any cod and i really enjoyed what i played of it at my buddies on xbox the open world dmz astatic fits really well in the zombies format and its where im going to probably get the most play time as its the longest part of the tropy grind
Its one of the only cods missing from my collection and i would really appreciate it