The show gets annoying after season 5

I can't exactly pinpoint what it is, and it's not the plot. But there was an equilibrium and flow in the first five seasons that just vanished in the last two.

I've watched the whole show once, then rewatched my favorite episodes over and over, and now I'm doing a full rewatch so my boyfriend can see it for the first time. And what used to be endearing now just feels suffocating.

Finally, some important things are happening—like Rory actually making (bad) decisions for herself and stepping out into the world. New dynamics, like her living with her grandparents, Lorelai living alone, Luke/Lorelai, Rory and Logan—these are things the audience wants to see more of. But instead, we get a ridiculous amount of screentime wasted on boring, directionless characters and storylines.

Sookie and Jackson’s loud, obnoxious arguments. And—I'm sorry to say—Lane and the band. TJ. Luke's sister. Am I the only one?

Also, everyone talks SO MUCH. They could say what they mean in two seconds, but instead, they phrase it in a way that forces the listener to sit there and wait forever, even though both the listener and the audience already know exactly what they mean. Especially Lorelai. And I know it's "part of the charm," but in the later seasons, it gets SO over-the-top that it's not funny, cute, or charming anymore—just annoying. And it bothers me that it’s annoying because I love seasons 1–4, and I'm super invested in the main storylines! I just want to skip everything else. What do you think?