Glock 19 Gen 4 Suppressor Support
I am looking to upgrade my G19 gen 4 in order to support a suppressor. I need a threaded barrel, and I'd like suppressor height iron sights. So instead of modifying my OEM slide, I figured I'd purchase (or piece together) an entirely new upper, including the slide. However, I didn't realize that the G19 gen 4 is a little niche in the upgrade market. There are some compatibility issues between the generations and complete uppers for the gen 4 are few and far between. I figured if I was going to buy a whole new slide, I would also look for an optic cut incase I want to end up using something other than the irons in the future. I am worried that custom uppers might not be as compatible with the different generations even WITH an adapter. And adding a suppressor into the equation could cause cycling issues if the other parts are not properly fitted.
Does anyone have any advice as to how I should do this? Should I look into gen 3 uppers and then buy an adapter if necessary? I am leaning towards buying a gen 4 slide, OEM upper parts kit, and a gen 4 threaded barrel (from what I've read the barrels are compatible between gens) all separately.