Puppy blues trying to hang in there 😭

Man oh man. I think for the most part my dood is good but it’s been so rough. It’s hard hearing how easy some people have it. And I’m just wondering if my puppy will come around. The constant going out to potty every hour and accidents still happening. Upping the reward outside for pottying hasn’t changed anything. The crate training. The biting. My husband and I just arguing constantly bc of the dog. If I’d had known my husband was going to be like this I would have never gotten the dog. He’s going off of old school childhood training. And I’m trying to train him on what I’ve researched. And we’re just bumping heads. He doesn’t understand constantly bringing the puppy outside to pee bc he still has accidents in the house and doesn’t ever tell us he needs to go outside. He only pees outside bc we bring him out so often. I guess I’m venting. I’m gonna continue working on the training but it sucks balls currently. He’ll be 13 weeks tom by the way.