My Pixel Watch 3 (45mm) might(!) arrive any minute now! Any burning questions or requests?
My package delivery service has notified me that my package is scheduled to be delivered within minutes and according to the shipping ID and sender, should contain the new Pixel Watch. I'm really surprised because it wasn't supposed to be delivered before September 10th. So if it is in fact the new Pixel Watch 3 in the mail, I'd be willing to answer some questions, try some things and make a few pictures.
I primarily use a smartwatch to get organized (ADHD) and minimize distraction from opening up my phone for every notification. I'm comfortable with wireless sideloading.
Things I won't do: - I'm not a runner, I might take it cycling once in a while or for a swim but I cannot run for longer than 3km. - I won't disclose where I ordered the watch. I don't want them to get into trouble. - I won't reveil my serial number or IMEI. - I will not spend hours to get to the bottom of your questions, I have two kids running around that I prioritise above everything else. - I won't do anything illegal, obviously.
So yeah, my first comment will probably be of the contents of the package. I'm excited, hopefully I can be helpful.