5hrs into the game - can someone answer my questions?

So i got this game as well as all DLCs from a friend as a birthday gift.
I have played 5 hours now and I think I get the basic ideas of what I should be doing but I am still overwhelmed and a bit confused.

What I used to play before that was Stardew Valley (Just so you understand where my questions come from a bit)

First of all: Is this game more punishing than SV or is it like SV? What I mean is: When you don't do something in SV or do it WAY later it doesn't make a diffrence. Got a quest for a fish for jodi? Delivery it 3 in game years later and it is fine.
I now unlocked the Chruch in this game and i am supposed to hold a mess once a week on a specific day. What happens if i miss one? Do I just not get money or will some NPCs get mad and i lose friendship points or something?

Secondly: Can you loose this game? In SV even if you just ran completely out of money there is always a way to get on top of things again. Is there a way in this game that i could lose and have to start all over again? Or are there things that have lasting consequences that I can never change again? For example I met the Inquisitor - Do I want to be his friend? What if I am? And what if not? Can i change this decision later on?

basically i am so used to SV not having a "game over" and also not punishing you in any way that i wonder what it is like in this game and i would like to know before i do something that means i have to start all over again ^^ I can live with "if i dont do x it will take longer to complete the game but i will still get there EVENTUALLY" over "if you dont do x you basically have to start a new save"

lastely: My donkey got mad when i unlocked my church - was or is there anything I can do to appease him?

I watched some beginners guides on youtube and checked the wiki but i am sometimes still a bit lost - if anyone can recommend a specific video or guide i would be happy

Thank you!