What are some good left wing organisations to join in the UK?

Recently, as I'm sure has been the case for many, have decided that I need to get involved with a left wing organisation to contribute in any way I can to fighting the rise in far right political parties. The party I'm looking for should be revolutionary in nature, but should also focus on direct action to help improve people's lives right now.

However, upon doing a little search, there seems to be way too many different groups, and they all seem to claim similar things about themselves, and it's all just confused me quite a bit. So far I've found the RCP, socialist alternative, CPB, CPGB, Socialist workers party and the socialist party. The sheer number of different organisations makes me feel a little dejected about the prospect of joining any of them.

Just posting this to see if anyone has experience with these groups, and can offer some insight into them. Also, does it really matter which one I join, or will the work I do under any organisation help contribute towards the class struggle in some way?

Any advice would be really appreciated!

Edit: In response to the bot, I have actually joined ACORN, but they don't have a branch near me and have not given me any info on how to get involved beyond paying my monthly fee.