Is Andoni physique achievable naturally?

Andoni Fitness is a Spanish bodybuilder who has a very impressive physique and insane strength and claims natty.

According to his YouTube channel, he's 22 years old, 1.80 m (5’11’') tall, and weighs around 110 kg (242 lbs). His bodyfat percentage changes a lot because of his bulks and cuts, but doesn't seem to have a incredibly restricted diet. Some of his best lifts are:

  • 150 kg (330 lbs) x 8 reps on bench press
  • 250 kg (550 lbs) x 1 rep on deadlift
  • 200 kg (440 lbs) x 3 reps on squat

Those strength feats are insane for a "natty" lifter.

This is him next to Joan Pradells, a IFBB Pro bodybuilder who wants to compete in the next Mr. Olympia

Is there even a slight chance that this guy is natural? How rare his genetics need to be?