Constant diarrhea in retired racer
I’m losing my mind. We have a retired racer who will be turning 10 soon. When we got him three years ago he had resistant hookworms. He’s had terrible blowouts since about a month after we got him.
As of a few months ago, he is FINALLY hookworm free. We’ve had multiple negative tests to confirm this, and our vet is confident we’ve finally reached remission (though we still keep up with the protocol per her recommendation).
Unfortunately, his digestive issues have not improved. If anything, they’re getting worse with age. The vet has suspected food intolerance and we’ve tried food trials to no avail. We’ve done labs and gotten no answers. He has ONE food he does okay on, otherwise she now suspects IBS. His blowouts come in waves. The poor guy lives on probiotics and propectalin (if you even think about taking away his propectalin he will blow water diarrhea everywhere).
I’m at the end of my rope. I really thought hookworms would be the issue but this may just be… him. He’s also a nervous guy who stomps in/drags his diarrhea around. He’s kenneled, but that doesn’t stop him from flinging it everywhere.
I feel like I’m spending a significant portion of my life cleaning up poop. I’m not looking for advice to “bring him to a vet”- we’ve clearly done that and treated him for hookworms. And yes, I’ve gotten second opinions.
Has anyone experienced IBS with these guys? Was there anything that helped? I’m 8 months pregnant and I just don’t know how I will continue to put this much energy into this issue. It’s already been financially taxing. We love him and he’s otherwise an active/happy dog. Some positive outcome stories would also be greatly appreciated.
ETA: We ended up getting Olewo carrots and it has been a game changer. Two days in and he was actually blocked up because his stools were so firm. We backed down to half the recommended dose the bag suggests and he has normal movements for the first time since we’ve owned him. Thank you so so so much for the advice. I’m a believer now for sure. Oh, and he LOVES them.