Asked chatgpt for an Ork detective story

I’m very impressed with the results. I had to fine tune it with a few suggestions but as long as you make it clear you want a lot of Ork slang and that something should be written in an Ork accent with an Ork tone it is very good at it.

Chapter 1: Da Case of da Missing Teefery

I'm Mek detective Orkimov, and dis is da story of how I solved da zoggin' puzzler of me career - da disappearance of me own teefery.

It was a dead slow day at da office. I spent da mornin' rummagin' 'round in da piles of bitz and gubbinz, lookin' for good scrap to bash onto me boomstick, when I went to grab a bite of squig jerky fer lunch. But when I went to rip off a hunk wit me teefery, dey just slid off da jerky! I looked in da mirror and me bottom row of choppas were gorn!

Dis was a right confusin' headscratcha. I didn't remember gettin' me gob punched in a scrap or nothin', and teefery don't just jump outta yer head for no zoggin' reason. Looks like I had meself a case to get dabbin' on.

First I asked around da boyz in me mob, but none of 'em fessed up to prankin' me by nickin' me teefery. Didn't really suspec' 'em anyway, ladz don't sneak around pinchin' each other's choppas. Unless...

I paid a visit to dat dodgy Grotsnik, who was always makin' weird brain-manglin' drugs and kustom jobz to sell to da ladz. Maybe he whipped up some kinda teefery-dissolvin' chew as a laff. But he denied everyfin', and searchin' his lab didn't turn up nothin' useful.

It wasn't till dead late that evenin' when I absent-mindedly popped a squig sausage in me gob to chew on for supper when - ping! A hard bit shot out da back of me gob. I hawked and spat for a few minutes before a familiar shape dropped in me hand: one of me missin' bottom row choppas!

Turns out dem teefery musta come loose and I just didn't notice, then I musta swallowed 'em not payin' attention while scoffin' me lunch. When da squig sausage nudged one out, da case was solved. I had a good laff at how worked up I got tryin' to figure out what went down. But dat's all part of da job for a brainy detect-ork like me!