Glass Cannons: Sniping in space at 300rpm.
Humans were the biggest cowards in the galaxy. Their combat and strategies aimed at avoiding direct conflict entirely, killing their enemies without any actual engagements.
The worst part was, that their biology actively encouraged this behavior. A human, no matter how strong could never hope to win in an actual fight: no natural armor, no natural weapons, not even some decent muscle mass.
Their strange upright stance with no tail to balance it out was built for one purpose and one purpose only. Throwing rocks. Their entire combat was built around that.
They were nothing like the mighty Krylian. A Krylian's entire body was covered in hard bone plates that required no additional armor to stand up against most modern weapons. Their four legs gave them a stable stance that made them an unmovable force no matter what you hit them with and their large muscular arms could lift a weapon in one hand where other species struggled with both. Not even a cowardly attack from behind went unpunished, the spiked clubs at the end of their tales made sure of that.
Towering over nearly every other species, a single Krylian could shatter a small army, and an army of them could shatter empires. The fact that these humans could harass them without consequences was borderline insulting.
The planetary shield rippled as it was once again barraged by railgun shells.
General Cras growled to himself as the ripples slowly faded away. He could've accepted this if this were a siege, but the human didn't even have orbital superiority. Their attacks didn't come from orbit, but from across the system, far away from where any Krylian ship could possibly hope to retaliate against the shooters.
The Krylian Empire was one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy. Anyone would've fled, bowed, or been crushed by now, and yet here they were, attacked and mocked by bipeds who threw rocks at them, too afraid to get any closer.
General Cras would've just ignored them if those dam rocks didn't hurt so much. After all, he had come to this system to combat the Aqry, not their Human allies.
"Damage report?" he ordered.
"Planetary shields are at 99.95%, they won't go down anytime soon. The ships in orbit however have taken losses. 2 cruisers are destroyed, and multiple destroyers and battleships were damaged. The carriers are unharmed."
General Cras grumbled, not bothering to reply. Same story always, the humans attacked, and there would be losses to the Krylian fleet they could do nothing about. Not enough to slow down their war effort against the Aqry, but still enough to be felt.
He was still lost in thought when a nervous scientist approached him. "General, we managed to reverse engineer the human railgun-"
"Finally some good news! I want them to be put into production immediately!"
The scientist looked even more nervous now. "There's a problem Sir..."
Cras finally turned around to face the scientist, snarling softly. "What now? Do you have the technology or not?"
"We have the technology, and know to build them." came the reply, the scientist now hiding behind his datapad. "But we have no way to fire them. Our biology is incompatible to properly use it."
Cras grumbled but calmed down somewhat. "Explain."
"Humans have evolved to throw rocks or other projectiles. As a result, their brains have evolved a form of subconscious aiming module that can predict projectile behavior. Without this ability, the railgun is useless to us, since their targeting computers are calibrated to human capabilities. Anyone else won't be able to properly aim, let alone hit anything with it."
Cras glared at the scientist for a while before turning away. "Fine then, guess we'll have to finish this campaign without human weaponry. We're almost at the Aqry homeworld anyway, and their coward allies won't be able to make a big difference once we take it."
He didn't even react when another railgun barrage impacted the planetary shields, most likely damaging more ships in orbit. It was a shame, but necessary. Those humans needed a target, something to keep shooting at in order to draw their shots.
This was the first time General Cras had fought humans, but he had battled lesser projectile species before and knew they shared the same weakness. All they needed to do was wait, and victory would be inevitable.
[Aqry Flagship "Light of Xer"]
Captain Feray was pacing around the tactical map, her feathery tail whipping behind her. All this nervous walking was blunting her claws, but she had a hard time keeping her cool at the moment.
Maybe she should get a carpet?
No, focus! She looked at the map again. Only a week ago the Krylian fleet had been relentlessly encroaching on the Aqryan homeworld, barely slowing down despite the countless Aqry forces throwing themselves at the invaders, sometimes literally in the form of kamikaze attacks.
Then the humans had warped in with a small fleet to help them. It had been unexpected help, humans and Aqry weren't the closest allies, but they got along. Their interactions were mostly limited to trade and the rare curious human wishing to get a look at them. This fascination was mainly about Aqry resembling an extinct earth predator known as raptors.
It was due to this that Feray had at first believed that the offered help was some form of bad joke. Nobody could blame her trough, those warships the humans had sent were... different.
Human ships had miserable defenses, their titanium armor was more part of the hull than actual armor, and their shields were meteor-graded, more to protect from space debris than actual weapons. Then there were the weapons. Rather than a well-balanced array to cover all scenarios, they relied purely on kinetics, a system so complex and difficult to use it had been discarded by the majority of the galaxy eons ago.
It hadn't been a joke, and once she'd seen the humans in action she realized just how serious they were.
With a sight, Feray came to a stop to look out of the bridge's main viewport. As the command ship the Light of Xer had been placed in the safety of the back lines where also the humans had set up. Set up in 5 rows of 5, they fired their payload into the void at some target Vera couldn't see.
Humans were the only known species who could reliably arc their shots around a sun's gravity well. A less known "secret" about humans was that they liked to point their ship's belly at the local sun when shooting since their brains were used to gravity pulling their projectiles downwards.
Humans had come a long way from throwing rocks, but the base principles had never changed.
With a sigh, she stopped pacing to look at the tactical map once more. The enemies were getting less, but it was a slow process.
Then all of a sudden the human stopped firing, one ship after the other, until the muzzle flashes ceased altogether.
The rest of her crew started to notice as well, and nervous whispering started to spread.
The whispering turned into loud commotion when motion came into the tactical map.
The Krylian were advancing, countless ships emerging from their hiding places now that the humans had stopped shooting. Why weren't they shooting?
"Captain, the Krylian are hailing us!" someone shouted, causing Feray to tense. "Put them on the main screen."
A second later General Cras appeared on the monitor, looking way too pleased with himself. "Hello, reptiles. Now that these games are over, you get a choice. Surrender, or be crushed!"
"What did you do to the humans?" Feray shot back rather than replying.
"Me? Nothing, they did that to themselves." Crash somewhat managed to look down at Feray despite talking to her over a monitor. "Have you never heard of a shot limit before? Every species that uses projectiles as their main offense can only fire a select amount of time. Once they reach that limit they're harmless. All I had to do was give your cowardly friends something to shoot at and they kindly exhausted themselves."
Dread slowly started to spread through Feray's body, but she forced herself to remain calm. If she were to break down now, panic would quickly consume the entire Aqryan ranks.
She needed a plan, something to turn this around. It was only them now, at the human least were able to reduce the Krylian ranks to some extent, but they were out of the battle. How many ships did the Aqry even have left? Not enough, she didn't even need to check, but-
Captain Feray couldn't contain the startled squawk when a different voice suddenly boomed over the intercom. Broadcasted over an open unsecured channel it was loud and clear for everyone to hear causing quite a bit of confusion.
Then the humans opened fire and confusion turned into chaos. Both Krylian wnd Aqry were still far out of each others weapon range, but that mattered little to humans.
It took Feray a good 10 seconds to process the countless muzzle flashes coming from the human ships, fear turning into shock, and shock turning into realization.
It was her turn to be smug as she turned back towards the monitor. "It appears dear General that the humans haven't quite reached their shot limit after all. Are you sure you kept proper count?"
"A trick! We were tricked! All units fall back and regroup! I repeat all units fall ba-"
Cras didn't get to finish his sentence, as something critical was hit and his flagship exploded in a glorious fireball.
With their leader gone, the chaos was perfect, as the Krylian troops scattered in disarray. Someone clearly had enough and the flash of a ship entering FTL was visible as one of the Krylian ships fleed the system, opening the floodgates to a full-blown retreat.
For the first time since the invasion, Feray managed a genuine smile. "Someone find out what humans eat, we're holding a feast tonight!"
First time I'm posting on this site, I hope I did everything right. If not, please don't kill me mods, I'm a fellow human!
Humans as glass cannons, haven't seen anyone do it yet, decided to be the first. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading this little story, I might do more with this.