A fic where post-war Harry finds he misses a good fight?
It may as well be fanfic law that Harry is not allowed to enjoy fighting, that all he wants is a quiet life. A few fics drop the quiet life bit, but even then he never wants to get back in a fight.
And look, I get it. Most people thankfully agree that war is a bad thing, and we also know that Harry doesn’t want to be the BWL, but I don’t think it’s that simple.
As somebody who knows a fair few veterans, my experience has been that oftentimes even though they know war is a bad thing, they also miss the adrenaline of it and can find civvie life kinda dull. Considering Harry is kind of an adrenaline junkie, and pretty much spent his adolescence at war, I could see this being him, and I think it’d be an interesting take on the character.
So do any fics do this?