A little mini-rant about some fanfiction characters [no insult towards any fanfic authors - I love reading your work!]

Not to insult anyone, just some things that I'm reading in good fanfictions that still annoy me a bit when I have to read them.

When characters insist, in private conversations that you must call a teacher ''professor'' or ''headmaster" instead of just their last names. The amount of times I have to read, usually Hermione or Dumbledore - sorry Professor Dumbledore - , correcting a student character "it's Professor Snape, Harry" it's reads as condescending - especially since Hermione doesn't have any authority over Harry. I understand to a professor's face, but it doesn't make sense to continually try to enforce it in private conversations between friends.

When Hermione and Ron 'badger' Harry into telling them what is 'going on with him.' Like, if someone doesn't want to tell you what's going on then they don't have to. Especially if Ron and Hermione go straight to Dumbledore with it - like, who is Dumbledore to control Harry's life? He's just the headmaster of a school. If they're worried about his health, then wouldn't they go to Madame Pomphrey? Usually it just reads as Hermione and Ron trying to assert authority over Harry and control him.

When the characters say they won't do something (Harry says he won't act impulsive, Dumbledore says he won't 'meddle') and they immediately go and do what they said they wouldn't - especially when Dumbledore justifies it for 'the greater good' or Harry does the action so that cannon plot follows through (I'd just read the cannon if the conversations the characters have in fanon don't have an actual effect on their actions.)

I have no idea if these traits are 'in-cannon' for the characters, so I'm not necessarily criticising the different authors' writing, it's just frustrating when I read it.