Muggleborns aren't allowed to study at Hogwarts. However, each year, evil Dumbledore accepts one muggleborn student just to show them the magical world, only to expel them before their first term is over so they can never be a part of it.
When Hermione Granger was crying in the girls bathroom, it wasn't because of anything Ron said. No, it was because she just received the news from professor McGonagall that she's going to be expelled from Hogwarts.
Why? What did she do? It must have been because of that time she wandered into the forbidden corridor on the third floor along with Potter and Weasley. Somehow, professor McGonagall found out and now, she's paying the price for her rulebreaking. Her wand was to be snapped the next morning and she'll be sent back to her parents.
"Excuse me, miss Granger?" Hermione heard a familiar voice from the corridor outside the girl's bathroom. "Professor McGonagall told me what happened. And that you seemed distraught. "I thought I'd check on you to make sure everything is alright." Hermione was still crying when she left the stall and could now see headmaster Dumbledore standing near the door.
"Don't worry, miss Granger, dry your tears. There's nothing worth crying about here." Dumbledore said in a kindly, grandfatherly voice. "But professor!" Hermione shouted out to Dumbledore as she walked up to him, tears still on her cheeks.
"When I got my Hogwarts admission letter, I-I was so excited! And my parents... they were so proud! And now, I'm... I'm supposed to be... EXPELLED!" Hermione shouted out the last word with dread. "I don't even know why... why I have to lose... to lose all of this I've learned here." Hermione added quitely. Dumbledore reached out and pulled Hermione into a hug and she calmed down just a bit. It reminded her of her own father, to whom she would go to whenever she had a bad dream. Her father always knew how to calm her down. A small part of her hoped that this was just another bad dream. She'd wake up in just a moment and all of this would be forgotten.
"It is truly wonderful, isn't it, child? The wizarding world. Magic. All of it. Especially to someone who's now only seeing all of it for the first time." Dumbledore spoke softly. "Yes! Magic and the wizarding world, it's... it's amazing and... and wonderful, I-I can't... can't leave this behind!" Hermione cried out, hoping that perhaps headmaster Dumbledore will talk to professor McGonagall and her expulsion will be lifted.
"I know it all so well... how wonderful magic and the wizarding world are." she heard Dumbledore say. "But you won't, miss Granger... none of your kind will, for as long as I am headmaster!"
"P-Professor?" Hermione's eyes widened in shock. "Haven't you wondered why you are the only muggleborn student here?" Dumbledore asked Hermione as he stopped hugging her and stepped just a few steps back, still looming over her, now with a dangerous twinkle in his eyes. "We don't accept your kind here. But, each year, I make an exception. Just for one student. One with so much potential, hopes and dreams. Just like you, miss Granger." Dumbledore smiled at Hermione, but there was no warmth in that smile.
"I've seen how well you've done in classes. How much promise you showed. You would've been a great witch. Possibly the greatest witch of our age. Sadly, that is not going to happen." Dumbledore sighed, as if he were regretting this, while the expression on his face said otherwise.
"But this way, you know what you've lost, you know exactly what you can't have, by not being born to the right parents." Dumbledore said and patted Hermione on her head. Hermione struggled to understand what Dumbledore was saying. This couldn't be true, right? It couldn't!
"But... but professor..." Hermione tried her best to speak, even though it was hard. "Being... being expelled from Hogwarts... from the wizarding world... that... that is..."
"That is what, miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked her, with apparent curiosity in his voice.
"That is worse than death!" Hermione shouted at Dumbledore, looking at him, hoping that by some miracle, he will take pity on her and decide to be merciful.
"Worse than death?" Dumbledore smiled with a twinkle in his eyes. "You are truly wise beyond your years, miss Granger. To know that there are indeed fates worse than death!" Dumbledore's smile widened as he opened the door into the corridor outside and made a series of complicated movements with his wand. Hermione was confused for a moment, but then she noticed the sudden rumbling in the distance. The heavy steps that seemed to move closer to them with each moment.
"It's good that you do not fear death, miss Granger." Dumbledore spoke up again and turned around to face her. "Once it comes for you, you need to embrace it like an old friend!" Dumbledore said in his usual, grandfatherly voice, but Hermione now noticed the sinister undertone in it. The strange twinkle in his eyes, the cruel smile on his lips.
"After all, death is just another great adventure!" Dumbledore cackled as he left Hermione in the girls bathroom, while the heavy, lumbering steps of the troll headed to the girls bathroom where Hermione still was. Dumbledore walked right past the troll without incident, while the troll was focused only on Hermione.