Work Thoughts 2: A new idea for Toula

So I know many people are annoyed/dislike that you can’t use Toula with the Strength arcana because she counts as a DD.

Which would not be bad if the fishing mini game did not take so long.

So what if instead of Toula giving you a weak DD. She instead buffed the effectiveness of an DD’s you may get.

Like maybe a +10% boost?

That way she Buffs the Death Arcana(which is lacking in power compared to Strength) plus you can take her with strength to avoid the fishing mini game when you need to collect lots of bones or just want to finish your fish entries in the codex.

That concludes this posts Work Thought’s.

What do you guys think? To strong? Not strong enough? Should she do something completely different? Or is she fine the way she is and we are all just making a Mt out of a mole hill?