What I asked for vs. what I got

What I asked for (bright blonde) vs. what I got (ashy, high lighted roots). She just took a year’s worth of grow out and added a bunch of thin blonde pieces. The grow out is still somewhat visible. I was hoping for one solid color. Is this worth trying to fix? I was going to reach out to my stylist and explain this is far from what I wanted (not going to ask for a refund and will gladly pay again so it’s fixed). But is this even doable? I’m assuming she’ll have to pick out all the brown pieces and i don’t even know if my wish pic is feasible. I was suppose to get my hair done when i was 38 weeks pregnant but my baby came at 37 weeks. She finally decided to take a bottle from grandma instead of my boob at 5 months old, finally. I waited so long to get mt hair done and I’m so upset and angry it didn’t turn out how I wanted it to after a 6 hour appointment. I honestly hate it and I don’t know what to do. I am contemplating just going brown at this point