Can an old dog learn new tricks?
Howdy. I'm new to this group, and I thought I might start things out by seeking some insight on improvement. I'm in my 40s, and I've never figured out how to print or write in cursive any better than you see in this example. In fact, my writing is often far worse than this.
Over the decades, most of my professional and recreational activities have taken their toll on my hands. Writing becomes painful for me rather quickly, and so the quality of my writing suffers in dealing with the pain, and in efforts to finish more quickly. I expect that there are some techniques or approaches to holding a writing utensil that would help reduce pain and muscle fatigue. I'm eager to learn. Thanks in advance for any useful feedback.
Howdy. I'm new to this group, and I thought I might start things out by seeking some insight on improvement. I'm in my 40s, and I've never figured out how to print or write in cursive any better than you see in this example. In fact, my writing is often far worse than this.
Over the decades, most of my professional and recreational activities have taken their toll on my hands. Writing becomes painful for me rather quickly, and so the quality of my writing suffers in dealing with the pain, and in efforts to finish more quickly. I expect that there are some techniques or approaches to holding a writing utensil that would help reduce pain and muscle fatigue. I'm eager to learn. Thanks in advance for any useful feedback.