Feel like people don't get it

I'm usually not a reddit ranter. But does anyone else get internally frustrated when people without an autoimmune issue hit you with the "oh I totally get it I'm [insert symptom] too"

Like no - being tired because you had a long day and went to bed late is not the same as the chronic fatigue. Your knee bothering you from "the weather change" is not the same as constant joint pain. Being a little "off your game" because you drank too much this week is not the same as the brain fog/memory issues

Just stop. And I'm really not a complainer - but if I'm asked how I am and respond honestly, to be told one of these, it makes me feel like I need to defend myself further because people just don't get it. Just because I look fine doesn't mean I am fine. It's not the same.

Thank you for reading.