My employer has worked with Aetna this year and has told us that their HSA 3500 plan is much better than the existing PPO 1000 plan.
I have no reason to trust them of course, but they have shown me lots of fancy spreadsheets and they seem to be right. Was hoping to get some advice. Family of 3, 40s, PA, high income (prefer not to disclose).
PPO: $1300/pp, $900 emp contribution, $2000 deductible, $9000 OOP max, $25 Practioner copay, $350 ER copay otherwise 20% coinsurwnce HSA: $970/pp, $730 emp contribution, $5000 HSA contribution, $7000 deductible, $13000 OOP max, 20% coinsurance after deductible
Are they correct in saying that because of the $5000 HSA contribution, there's no scenario where we are worse off?
On the face of it, it appears to be a $3900 reduction in plan cost plus a $5000 HSA so $8900 better off, in return for a higher deductible and OOP max.
Last year we spent $4000 of medical expenses, of which we spent about $600 in coinsurwnce under the PPO. So we would have netted $5400 better off under the HSA?
Even if we max out the HSA OOP Max it doesn't seem to be worse off.
Sorry if this isn't clear, I'm finding the system quite overwhelming.