Irritation around vaginal entrance

Female, 21 years old.

My life down there was pretty nice untill last spring when I had my first irritation and infection. It turned out to be from a shower gel I used. What I did was that I changed my shower gel. It took about 2 weeks for my skin down there to go back to normal and for the white discharge that came with it to go away.

Because the bottle of shower gel was brand new and I didn't want to throw it away, I kept using it. I didn't get any irritation for the following months.

I started my sexual life in autumn. After a few weeks from having intercourse I once again got an iritation similar to the one in spring. This time, I replaced that shower gel that i kept using for past months and that previously gave me the irritation, with another one that caught my eye in the shop because it was " for sensitive skin ". I dont know if I should blame it directly because around that time I also chamged my fabric softener. And while having this irritation down there, panties felt really bad to wear.

I eventually decided not to use shower gels on my lower body ( but still used it on the rest of my body , arms, armpits ,back ). I also didn't use fabric softner anymore.

About a month and a bit from my last irritation I got another irritation but this one was different becauee it was located only around my vaginal opening, it didnt bother me as much as the other ones, and definately no excessive white discharge. The skin was a bit more red ish than usual. It was itchy and even feeling a slight burning. It was more obvious to me before bed. It went away in a week. I thought it was because waxing st the salon because the irritation appeared the day after going to the salon and the lady at the salon did go pretty close with the wax. It never happened before to get an irritation from waxing and I still am not sure if it was from that because now , one month later , just like last time I am getting this irritation again.

Just like last time it happens the week before my period + a few days maybe. I did not do anything this time ( bseides being sexually active during my lsst menstruation and a week after that ) . I got the same symptoms that seem to get worse during the night. I am not sure if it is in any way related to what I eat. I have to admit I ate junk food past couple of days. This month, I was curious to look more, and I also noticed tiny bumps, but they are most likely just the texture of the skin being more obvious because of the irritation ( this is my theory ).

I dont know what I can do about it. I dont have much to tell to a doctor since the irritation isn't exactly obvious: almost same color as normal skin, just a bit more obvious texture. No bad smell, no weird discharge. Also, the skin gets uncomfortably dry he first day of irritation, and the skin is prone to break. It's not too badly but still... I googled, and I found that i should wait one more month to see if it happens a 3rd time. I dont know if I should go then or as soon as possible. I have never been to a gyno befo, e so I am a bit scared as well.

Anyone with similar experience ?

Update: Visited doctor and her first speculation is allergy to condoms. First diagnostic is candida.