I need advice for artillery
So I wanted to give artillery a shot today, as I knew nothing about it besides it killed me a lot. So I watched a few YouTube guides on how it works and what calculators to use to make sure you are on target. Got into my first match and spent the entire time chasing down recon, made friends with the guy helping me find him. Next round he joins up with me in my locked squad marked for artillery. Gave me some tips as well, sounds all good so far right? Well kept shooting at the targets command was placing, but got so many friendly fire kills the server kicked me. It takes forever to get into servers, I don't want to wait 15 mins just to get kicked again. What tips can you guys give me so this does not happen again?
:Edit: So I went in again and did much better this time around, got about 25 kills and one friendly in my best match with it. Wanted to thank everyone for their input. I also want to add, I think the thing I like best about this game is the community. For the most part everyone is very welcoming and has a good sense of humor.