Enough with the guilt tripping

In recent times, I've come to notice the rising sentiment that finding the illuminate stale/boring/incomplete etc is somehow a shit take and we should feel bad for not mindlessly obeying major orders

Even now a post mocking those who don't fight the squids is at 9k up votes.

I dont speak for the community obviously, but the rise in this shitty behavior only motivates me further to ignore every MO involving the illuminate.

I will not set aside my personal preferences, bow down and worship the devs when their management of the illuminate storyline imo has so far been awful.

No new content, no mission variety, the same hit and run template, always defend against x attacks, always city- the bugs got new content before the illuminate for Christ's sake and it was far better than anything the illuminate did since their launch.

I'm done pretending like the illuminate isn't a half baked faction with almost no substance and a storyline we basically have zero control over unless we grind the same shit tediously.

If you genuinely love the illuminate, I'm happy for you, and I mean that with no sarcasm.

But I felt the need to speak out against this shitty trend, we are not wrong for liking two well established factions more, than the incomplete one.

And if the illuminate wishes to be established, then give them something interesting to motivate me, instead of threatening me in to repetitive encounters by blowing planets up for disobeying, or community driven guilt tripping.

Downvote away.