Wild glitch happened today that sent me walking clear across the world on and on and on
Insane glitch happened after I finished one quest. Tuxedosam was supposed to despawn (I assume) and go back to his shop after I finished a quest. The finished quest played a final cutscene and then cut to the ice cave with TS and then faded to black. I thought that was weird since he wasn’t a huge part of the quest, but I didn’t think too much about it.
Then, when i was working through another quest he was still at the last spot I saw him. So I went to talk to him and we started walking together and then….just walked all the way across the map. I let it go thinking ok once I get to tuxedosams shop it’ll fix itself. It did not. I threw myself into the ocean and just kept going! At that point I force quit but what a little adventure.