HK 18
Just finished rewatching season 18, quite a few thoughts, no idea how common place they are.
Also, not sure if I should mark this as spoilers, but since the season has been out for a while, I think it's okay, apologies if I'm mistaken.
Ariel -- One of the most obvious winners. Especially after Motto pulled himself at 4, I really don't think anyone could've beat her, except herself (going all Joy on everything).
Mia -- I forgot just how much of a challenge beast she was. She carried the rookies hard early, and I think her challenge wins singlehandedly helped alter the season because it affected the mental of Kevin and T. I still think they'd've taken themselves out, but later on, maybe like 8-10.
Bret -- I also forgot just how villainous he was, sheesh. Over emotional one moment to dickish the next. Also very much driven by respect, which also supports my thoughts about Ariel, since I think she and maybe Motto were the only ones he would've backed up in final dinner service.
Motto -- Mad respect for his decision, but I think he was the only one who could have taken down Ariel. And if he hadn't pulled himself, I think it would have been him and Ariel as the final two. Still an Ariel win, I think, but less obvious.
Heather -- Andrew wasn't around, lol. Need I say more?? And considering how I watched season 16 right before this, lol. I disliked her less this time around. Still not my favorite, but not a target of my hatred at least.
Kanae -- Wait. How on Earth did I forget about her? I was living for her this season. Living. Period. She brought such an amazing energy to the season, and I was laughing so hard with her the entire way through. Her and the bathroom bit? So real, so good. I DESPERATELY want her back for another all-stars.. But if she doesn't come back, I sincerely hope that she is doing well.
Trev -- Actually, I think editing did him dirty. I remembered not liking him the first time around, but this time I felt bad for him. The reason why I think editing did him dirty was because they started him off with the "I want everyone to look up to me" storyline, which turned me off to him in a "yeah right" type fashion. But he had so many legit points and was needlessly picked on by the rest of the guys. Not cool at all, and I felt bad for him.
Jose/Scotley -- (Okay, Jose is actually lowkey cute). As bad as I feel for Trev, I think the whole dynamic of the men would've shifted if Trev had been eliminated when Scotley was. Couldn't stand Scotley at all, and wouldn't have made it much farther, I don't think, but if the men were less fragmented, I'm not sure Heather makes it to black jackets (in turn meaning Kanae herself might, since she lost out to Heather, but it's still a long shot since her dishes were subpar anyway). Again, something else that I think affected how the season played out, but less so than losing two runner ups as early as we did.
Roe -- Glad to see her back. I actually liked her, and her lowkey fangirling the whole season. "Chef has the coolest friends" still makes me laugh.
Anyway, I just wanted to share what I thought, and I'd love to hear back from those of you who take the time to read through this.
Take care :)