Hermit's VOD Channels
The other day, I was asked if I knew which hermits uploaded their stream vods and where they could be found. So I made this list and thought I would share it.
BdoubleO100's vods can be found on his main channel in the "Live" tab: www.youtube.com/@bdoubleo
Cubfan135 doesn't post all of his vods, but he puts some of them, and some extra clips on his second channel, Cub Two: www.youtube.com/@cubtwo7241
FalseSymmetry, FalseLive: www.youtube.com/@FalseLive
GeminiTay, GeminiTwo: www.youtube.com/@GeminiTwo
GoodTimesWithScar, GoodVodsWithScar: www.youtube.com/@goodvodswithscar
Hypnotizd, HypnotizdLIVE: www.youtube.com/@HypnotizdLIVE
impulseSV, impulseSV2: www.youtube.com/@impulseSV2
JoeHillsTSD's vods can be found on his main channel under the "Live" tab: www.youtube.com/@JoeHillsTSD
MCSkizzleman, SkizzlemanLive: www.youtube.com/@skizzlemanlive3471
PearlescentMoon, PearlescentMoonies: www.youtube.com/@PearlescentMoonies
rendog, rendogtv: www.youtube.com/@rendogtv
SmallishBeans, SmallishStreams: www.youtube.com/@SmallishStreams
Tango Tek, Tango Tek2: www.youtube.com/@TangoTek2
xisumavoid, xisumatwo: www.youtube.com/@xisumatwo
ZedaphPlays' vods can be found on his main channel under the "Live" tab: www.youtube.com/@Zedaph
ZombieCleo, ZombieCleo Streams: www.youtube.com/@zombiecleostreams
These are all of the ones that I know about. If there's any that I missed, let me know and I'll add them. Also, the flare is discussion because I had no idea what I should use.