Is Anyone Else Dreaming Nightly of a Great Awakening?

I don't know if this is the right place but I desperately need to know if it's just me.

For about a month I've been having reality shift. Things are shiny. Sound is at max volume. An ever present feeling like there's static under my skin. It's not painful but like I can feel a layer of energy flowing under my skin but above my muscles. Language is getting harder and harder. Words dont make sense. I've had dreams like this but waking is more surreal than dreaming. And then there's the dreams.

About a week ago I have been getting dreams of being awakened and "taken home". The dreams are warm and sweet. Sometimes there are other beings and we are in physical form but other times I know I am not in physical form. The voices are not words but I understand them better than any language I've ever heard. Every night it's more and more real and when I wake the things in the world are more and more distant. Am I the only getting this?

Edit: I just wanted to add that I thought of the medical implications to all of this over the last year. I've had 2 MRIs, a CAT scan and an EEG. Both neurologists I saw said everything was normal and to look into a counselor. I went to a specialist for 6 months and they said to go back to a doctor when she saw my results she was shocked. So I'm just going to enjoy the joy I get from this. If it's fake I'm totally cool with that as well. At least it's an escape from all the bullshit happening all over the world.