P3AB is worse than P4AB
3 words, and you'll understand my pain.
Yeah, he sucks. Way too chaotic. I've started recording my latest attempts and, of my last 25 playthroughs, 1 died to Hive Knight (due to rushing and carelessness), 6 to the Collector, 4 to God Tamer, and 1 to Uumuu. The other 13 ended because of the fat tub of lard. I've made it past him, in total since I started, 4 times. 2 ended to Uumuu, 1 to Hornet, and 1 to Sly.
P4AB is exponentially easier because the bosses are less chaotic and are much slower, making it easier to dodge them. PV is a cakewalk compared to the sumo wrestler wannabe.
And, no, I'm not doing P3AB after leaving him to die because I'm not a coward and this is on my original file with everything on it, including my Radiant HoG, PoP, and Weathered Mask.
EDIT: Oh my Radiance, I finally did it. I was so stressed out in Sly's final phase. This was miserable, but I now have P1-4AB. Since I started recording data, I've died a total of 36 times. 1 to Hive Knight, 7 to Collector, 5 to God Tamer, 1 to Uumuu, 1 to Sly, and 21 times to
- Invincible
- Fearless
- Sensual
- Mysterious
- Enchanting
- Vigorous
- Diligent
- Overwhelming
- Gorgeous
- Passionate
- Terrifying
- Beautiful
- Powerful
- Grey Prince
- Zote.
This was miserable. I'll upload my recording of the winning run soon so you can see the mental anguish I went through.