“Terminated” today

I have epilepsy. I have problems with my memory, and time, but did not have neuropsych testing until a month ago I OFTEN have to turn in time adjustments for forgetting to clock in or out. I also come running into store pretty often because I’m thinking I might be late So someone saw me racing in a few days ago, TOLD THE MANAGER, (they said I came in at 9:06 or 9:07) Flash forward to today, I am grilled for almost an hour, good cop bad cop style, them trying to to get me to remember what exact time I came in that day, almost a week ago. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA. Naturally, no one believes me. (They refuse to look at my newest test, which states I have “cognitive decline. “. This is worrisome for my doctors. They don’t know why- I’m only … 55. Is likely due to long term effects of epilepsy) Official reason for termination: falsification of company records. Since I usually cannot remember exact time, I make something up. What else am I to do,? Could be at most 5 minutes off. Many more examples, not included HERE

What more could I have done?