Building in Lake County, CO

Hi There - I'm looking to build a 1500-2000 sqft cabin in the lake county area with a max budget of 450k. Not sure if anyone on this sub is familiar in the area but its a wooded area south of leadville, co. Wanted to know if thats somewhat realistic or if I need to lower my size expectations. Would appreciate any insight from anyone who has built in the area

Some details about planned build:

  • Lot is relatively flat and will require little prep work
  • power/water already to the lot but there's a significant tap fee in lake county
  • no basement, preferably two stories
  • Relatively cheap trims, I dont plan on doing anything too insane besides hard-wood floors
  • Not really looking to have any large decks
  • no fireplace

Let me know if there are any other details you'd need to give me a rough idea of what I should expect.