Hiring an Architect vs Plans off of America's Best House Plans?
I am starting the process of looking into having a house built. What does everyone think about having an architect draft the plans versus buying some online? Do you know if an architect is still needed if you choose the online route? I am trying to reduce costs and thought if we find a plan online we may be able to save on the architect fees.
Thanks for any input. I am very new to this and just trying to gain some knowledge.
Edit: New question. What is the difference between a draftsman and an architect? For reference, we already have a layout and house design already picked out that we love.
Now here is where I am going to through you guys off, the school I work in will be the contractor along with myself. We offer and construction class for juniors and seniors to take. They built 16 houses from 2000-20015, however, a new teacher took over and wants to start the program again. I am an extremely handy guy and have done many upgrades to our current home. So not at all afraid of the task. Just not sure where to begin from the plans standpoint.