The second half of the patch just started, and… there’s nothing new coming for the next three weeks.

I’m happy Hoyo listened to feedback about the storytelling and the powercreep, but man I really hope they tackle the lack or events in the second half of patches next.

I just pulled Aglaea, and other than using her in the current combat event and the MoC refresh, there’s literally nothing to do.

The ‘flagship’ event took like 30 minutes, which is absolutely laughable. I know they probably spent a lot of time and money on the main story, but to have 3 weeks of nothingness is actually just ridiculous.

Looking at ZZZ, I sometimes feel like they give you too much to do, cause I feel like every other day a new event or something starts.

Does anyone agree? Disagree? How could this be improved other than just adding more stuff? Or do you think it’s fine as is?