How far have we come with HP inflation actually?
This topic has been run to the ground in the past 6 months, to the point mods had to intervene to balance it, which is fair.
Hence I'm here to talk about it but in a semi comprehensive matter with a bit of effort on my end (on phone) rather than just share my own experience and vent.
First let's start by addressing the obvious, yes there is HP inflation and we can prove that with very minimal work but I want to focus on where we were exactly 1 year ago and how we are now. So this is more of a semi complaint semi trivia, mostly complaint tho.
So first MoC 12, 2025 February 17th:
•First side:
-Wave 1:
Senior Staff 1.1 Million HP
Searing prowler with 768k HP
-Wave 2:
True Sting with 1.5 Million HP PER Phase.
Searing prowler with 768k
•Second side:
-Wave 1:
Goon 110k HP
Furiare preator 1.1 million HP
Gatekeeper 628k HP
-Wave 2:
Nikador a whooping 3.7 Million HP PER PHASE.
Blessing: At the start of each Cycle, regenerates 20% Energy for all ally characters. The Energy regenerated by this effect can exceed the target's Max Energy. Enables all memosprites on the field to immediately take action again after their next action.
Compare that to MoC 12, 2024 February 19:
•First side:
-Wave 1:
Gatekeeper: 324k HP (50% less HP than in current MoC)
Searing prowler 356k HP (again 50% less HP)
Domescreen 90k HP
-Wave 2:
Gepard with 551k HP only 1 Phase
Searing prowler 356k HP
•Second side:
Wave 1
Shapeshifter 389k HP
Tramplaer 356k HP
Wave 2
Cupcake (dormancy) 713k HP per phase
Blessing: All allies' Basic ATKs and Skills deal 50% increased DMG. Whenever a Skill Point is consumed, Memory Turbulence gains 1 hit(s) per action, up to a maximum of 10.
At the beginning of each Cycle, for each Hit Per Action, Memory Turbulence deals DMG to a random enemy based on the target's Max HP.
So this already tells us that not only HP has essentially doubled across the board with elites now having as much HP as Elites in early 2024, but the blessings also seemingly getting weaker.
However that is also not the entire story, it is easy to compare Nikador's massive hp (which is roughly 5.7x that of dormancy) but Nikador also has a grand total of 47% HP shaved off of him via his mechanics alone, and thats before we get to the buffs which are much stronger than dormancy.
You can see said mechanics at depth here
You shave 10% HP off of War Armor 10% off of Titanic Corpus And 27ish% off of the spears
And having a shared HP to further amplify the damage, does bring it to around the same increase the elite enemies have had.
Which is what allows clears like these to occur: Jingliu E0S0 + Serval FTP LC (WITHOUT any 2.0 or 3.0 Limited characters)
Or Acheron E0S1 (JQ Pela) and Jing Yuan E1S1 (Sunday E0S1/RobinE0S1) with 4 Cycles remaining, so alot of wiggle room remains.
However the biggest offender and what many seem to not focus on is this:
While HP Inflation is an issue, the current MoC had a terrible blessing, 20% Energy and a memosprite insta action is far less beneficial than something like 50% DMG to Basic attacks and Skills as well as extra free damage by consuming skill points, even compared to late 2024 prior to fugue release, a MoC " Scalegorge Tidalflow" contained Exo-Toughness on all enemies as well as extra hits, so it was as if, you had a mini Fugue.
Which is actually insane because even Aglaea herself, doesn't get nearly as much of a buff as one would imagine, especially when Sunday is in the equation. The exo toughness buff shilled the hell out of Rappa, meanwhile this blessing on this MoC is just far too weak across the board. Ofc it's not useless, since many units benefit from the free energy but when compared to many blessings before it on top of everything else, you can see it's actually bad across the board.
Overall besides the increase in HP, the weak blessing on this MoC is a very big factor as well as not exploiting the war armour and the massive buffs it grants.
Final thoughts:
This isn't meant to say HP inflation isn't a problem, because the Devs do fully know it is, but the average player is also encountering issues for brute forcing the stage, which IS what the Devs are baiting because realistically there's no "mechanics" to engage on BUT there is a mechanic to understand and exploit which would allow even the weaker units to clear, high AoE and Selected Blast DPS is highly important in this cycle of MoC.
Something else many may seem to ignore is the boss lineup, having True Sting in side 1 puts much more pressure than a "minor boss" like Gepard or Bronya who aren't as demanding, and hence doesn't exhaust you. If anything, one could argue True Sting is the TRUE menace of this MoC, which is the insane balancing issue this MoC got.
This topic has been run to the ground in the past 6 months, to the point mods had to intervene to balance it, which is fair.
Hence I'm here to talk about it but in a semi comprehensive matter with a bit of effort on my end (on phone) rather than just share my own experience and vent.
First let's start by addressing the obvious, yes there is HP inflation and we can prove that with very minimal work but I want to focus on where we were exactly 1 year ago and how we are now. So this is more of a semi complaint semi trivia, mostly complaint tho.
So first MoC 12, 2025 February 17th:
•First side:
-Wave 1:
Senior Staff 1.1 Million HP
Searing prowler with 768k HP
-Wave 2:
True Sting with 1.5 Million HP PER Phase.
Searing prowler with 768k
•Second side:
-Wave 1:
Goon 110k HP
Furiare preator 1.1 million HP
Gatekeeper 628k HP
-Wave 2:
Nikador a whooping 3.7 Million HP PER PHASE.
Blessing: At the start of each Cycle, regenerates 20% Energy for all ally characters. The Energy regenerated by this effect can exceed the target's Max Energy. Enables all memosprites on the field to immediately take action again after their next action.
Compare that to MoC 12, 2024 February 19:
•First side:
-Wave 1:
Gatekeeper: 324k HP (50% less HP than in current MoC)
Searing prowler 356k HP (again 50% less HP)
Domescreen 90k HP
-Wave 2:
Gepard with 551k HP only 1 Phase
Searing prowler 356k HP
•Second side:
Wave 1
Shapeshifter 389k HP
Tramplaer 356k HP
Wave 2
Cupcake (dormancy) 713k HP per phase
Blessing: All allies' Basic ATKs and Skills deal 50% increased DMG. Whenever a Skill Point is consumed, Memory Turbulence gains 1 hit(s) per action, up to a maximum of 10.
At the beginning of each Cycle, for each Hit Per Action, Memory Turbulence deals DMG to a random enemy based on the target's Max HP.
So this already tells us that not only HP has essentially doubled across the board with elites now having as much HP as Elites in early 2024, but the blessings also seemingly getting weaker.
However that is also not the entire story, it is easy to compare Nikador's massive hp (which is roughly 5.7x that of dormancy) but Nikador also has a grand total of 47% HP shaved off of him via his mechanics alone, and thats before we get to the buffs which are much stronger than dormancy.
You can see said mechanics at depth here
You shave 10% HP off of War Armor 10% off of Titanic Corpus And 27ish% off of the spears
And having a shared HP to further amplify the damage, does bring it to around the same increase the elite enemies have had.
Which is what allows clears like these to occur: Jingliu E0S0 + Serval FTP LC (WITHOUT any 2.0 or 3.0 Limited characters)
Or Acheron E0S1 (JQ Pela) and Jing Yuan E1S1 (Sunday E0S1/RobinE0S1) with 4 Cycles remaining, so alot of wiggle room remains.
However the biggest offender and what many seem to not focus on is this:
While HP Inflation is an issue, the current MoC had a terrible blessing, 20% Energy and a memosprite insta action is far less beneficial than something like 50% DMG to Basic attacks and Skills as well as extra free damage by consuming skill points, even compared to late 2024 prior to fugue release, a MoC " Scalegorge Tidalflow" contained Exo-Toughness on all enemies as well as extra hits, so it was as if, you had a mini Fugue.
Which is actually insane because even Aglaea herself, doesn't get nearly as much of a buff as one would imagine, especially when Sunday is in the equation. The exo toughness buff shilled the hell out of Rappa, meanwhile this blessing on this MoC is just far too weak across the board. Ofc it's not useless, since many units benefit from the free energy but when compared to many blessings before it on top of everything else, you can see it's actually bad across the board.
Overall besides the increase in HP, the weak blessing on this MoC is a very big factor as well as not exploiting the war armour and the massive buffs it grants.
Final thoughts:
This isn't meant to say HP inflation isn't a problem, because the Devs do fully know it is, but the average player is also encountering issues for brute forcing the stage, which IS what the Devs are baiting because realistically there's no "mechanics" to engage on BUT there is a mechanic to understand and exploit which would allow even the weaker units to clear, high AoE and Selected Blast DPS is highly important in this cycle of MoC.
Something else many may seem to ignore is the boss lineup, having True Sting in side 1 puts much more pressure than a "minor boss" like Gepard or Bronya who aren't as demanding, and hence doesn't exhaust you. If anything, one could argue True Sting is the TRUE menace of this MoC, which is the insane balancing issue this MoC got.