Paid £600 to locksmith and can’t get over it.
We’re new in the UK and just bought a house. We didn’t know the standard locksmith service fees, so I feel like the guy took advantage of us. I can’t shake the feeling that he exploited our goodwill and ripped us off. It’s been days, and I still feel awful. Being taken for a fool feels really humiliating.
How do I get over this feeling? Please help.
PS: He changed old Banham locks to Era locks. Just one door.
EDIT: Thank you to everyone who commented. Hearing that some of you have unfortunately been through similar experiences helped a lot. Now I know that I’m not alone. Your advice means a lot to me, and yes, this has been a big lesson—I’ll do my best to overcome these negative feelings.
I also have a suggestion for some of you: Instead of making someone who is already struggling feel even worse, try offering kind advice and reassurance. I’m sure that person will be much more grateful to you.