Adalimumab and pregnancy
Hello all,
My wife has ulcerative colitis which has now progressed to the point where we are considering different medical treatments. However, we are also considering starting a family in the near future. I understand that having the disease in remission is the number one priority, but we have been given some different options for this. One of the options is to start taking Adalimumab (also called Humira).
The other option is a steroid treatment for a few months before pregnancy, which would mean not taking anything during the pregnancy but it also appears like the steroids will be much rougher on her than the Adalimumab. Steroid use also cannot help if there is a flare up during the pregnancy.
My wife is very nervous about taking any treatments throughout her pregnancy and we're trying to find all the information we can before making a decision. Has anyone here got experience of taking Adalimumab during their pregnancy that they could share? Thanks