Dark Sight Without A Map Icon Is Bad Design
Edit: way too many of you are frothing at the mouth, upset and enraged, because you think this is a post about wanting to rat it up in the bayou. The bug that led me to try this tactic set it up so that it eliminated other variables in being detected. I had no teammates to give me away, and I wouldn't normally just be in some random bush oddly far away. Because I was, it was very clear when the team ran up and didn't see my that their undetected spin of dark sight threw my pretty fun plan away. Which means this is happening regularly but you can't perceive it.
It appears that Crytek hasn't really thought about the implications of giving players dark sight without giving them a bounty that tracks their movement on the map. Or, more specifically, a lightning bolt. That, or my cynical interpretation is true*.
I had a couple fights as a player wherein we set up after hearing players nearby because to continue would have been a disadvantage. Think continuing to run into an open field when we hear another team about to do the same thing. The problem is that if anyone can have dark sight and you don't know it, not only could they have been tracking you, but they could all of a sudden throw a wrench in your plans in the most boring way possible - by simply knowing that you're there. In one case, I killed the boss, threw poison around it, then ran outside to snake the bounty from outside so I could take off. It was a fun play made necessary by my having the poison bug, so I couldn't heal and I couldn't hear well. Sitting in a bush, a team ran up and immediately spun around before they went in and just dropped me. That shouldn't have happened. You can hate playing like a bush wookie, which everyone does once in a while (though again the poison bug necessitated it) but screwing with players expectations means that the best plans can go awry not for lack of planning or for the other team being better but by someone simply going "oh, they're there" and denying a fun game.
At the very least, if players are going to get dark sight, put a lightning bolt on them on the map regardless. Let bounties stay as long as someone has it but let others be visible as long as they at least have dark sight.
*that they added dark sight without lightning on the map to obfuscate the hacker situation.