Crytek, PLEASE Do Not Nerf The Frontier, Nagant and Bornheim Silenced

These are peashooters. These weapons already often require 3 to 4 body shots to kill. They do not need a nerf to damage. No one wants to take a 3 slot compact ammo weapon that does 100 DAMAGE! That's CRAZY.

I love the Frontier Silenced with all my heart. I mained it for a month and it raised my KD because I had to focus solely on shooting heads, but there were MANY situations where I got outgunned simply because I couldn't land 3 body taps in the time someone with a different gun could land 2 body taps, even if I landed every shot.

Edit: The amount of people in this thread that think these weapons deserve these nerfs is wild. You must be a 2 star if you've ever considered the Winfield silenced a problem gun.