First of all, this post is written not in my main language. Sorry if im not gramatically correct.
I just started last night in Hunt Showdown and Im so impressed with this game, I was in pure love in every second I was playing this. -Ambientation -Sounds -Gameplay -Graphics Cant say how much I like it, cant wait to end my working day to play again. A lot of time since I feel this desire to play something. Feeling like this, was looking for information, forums etc.. and looking around I found that the game only have 5500 players active on Steam.. dont want to be rude but I see like this is a poor number for a game of this quality, so my question is: What its the problem ? Like even Titanfall 2 have almost the same number of players. Feel so sad when I saw that, hope this game wont die soon.. really liked it so much.