Uncomfortable tightness and now pains around the tube areas. Is it safe to workout with a shunt in your body?

My last revision was over 10 years ago. I started working out seriously like 8 months ago and as I started to gain size I can see my shunt more from my chest up my neck and the side of my head. It gets uncomfortable and tight at times. Now it’s starting to even hurt around the tube areas. Sometimes in my abdomen. Sometimes in my chest. For the most part though behind my ear near the tube. Some days it doesn’t hurt much and maybe not at all but then it really bothers me other days. Is it not safe to workout and gain size with a shunt in your body or is this happening because of something else? I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks only it’s not the same surgeon that put the shunt in because he retired so I am a little nervous about that. Has anyone else had this issue?

Edit: thank you everyone for the messages. I do appreciate the support.