Should I get a 2nd opinion?
I had some symptoms of hypothyroidism like sleeping a lot ( at least 10 hours per night to feel rested), gaining 18 lb in 2 years, and irregular periods. I also have a family history of hypothyroidism. I brought all of this up to my doctor and she had me get bloodwork to check my TSH. The results came back as 5.71 mIU/L. I thought this was a little concerning, but my doctor said it wasn’t high enough to be concerned about, and we could check it again in 6 months if I wanted to. After reading more about hypothyroidism, I was a little annoyed she didn’t even bother to check my T3 or T4. Additionally, I looked back at an old blood test from 6 years ago and found that my T4 at the time was 0.76, so on the borderline of being too low. Has anyone had a similar experience or would recommend getting a second opinion?
Side note: I eat relatively healthy and exercise 2-3 times a week and also go walking a few times a week in addition to my regular exercise routine.