The slow decline of this trade and union - a ten year perspective
Seems like things have just gotten progressively worse from the Outside Contractor perspective and am just curious how many of you feel (I am including work being slow)
1) Since Sparks formed their brokerage maybe 5 years ago (can't remember) our bread and butter of storm work has completely changed and not for the better... This isnt only hurting not only us, but the contractors probably the most, having to deal with the low flat rates offered, I can't blame them for doing what they can to make money, but hiring non union truck drivers to move equipment should have most members concerned. As someone said in an earlier post...
Make them squirm, stop taking these outrageous unsolicited calls, this falls on us
2) When Sparks formed out of Alabama, it seems a flood of shady tickets appeared. I like many of you, have unfortunately had to work with these, for a lack of a better word... Undertrained lineman.
The IO needs to take a look at these tickets, especially these moonlighters who are just jumping on storms, but probably will never happen as they like stacking the dues
3) Oversaturation in the workforce, starting to think we brought to many into the trade, this isn't really anyone's fault, work was booming and people just are not retiring as planned (rising costs didn't help) and younger generations are realizing college may not be worth it to everyone
Apologize for the wall of text, but just wanted to give my 2 cents on what we might be seeing out there