Day dreaming

This is me asking for advice more than anything, ever since I was a kid I hated life and myself this was due to being bullied among other things this is also around the time I started read books fantasy , romance, etc , any genre that I came i across I wanted an escape

I have always been blessed/cursed with a very vivid imagination any thing i thought of I can visualise to a very realistic degree, eventually books and anime / manga weren't enough , I started using my imagination to create day dreams that were so realistic that the can trigger my senses like touch and taste, it's called maladaptive daydreaming , and I have been doing it since I was 8 or 9 i am now 18.

This has become a problem bc I am not longer interested in real life in the slightest, I find myself pushing away my friends and family just so I could be alone and daydream , I find myself losing focus in lectures and lesson that are detrimental bc I have my college entrance exams coming up in june , just to daydream.

It's addictive, I have a whole multiverse with different worlds In my head , in each one I have a different personality , different life , different "friends & family" , and in each one I always want to end the story of that world in a sad ending where I die , in these worlds I always put "myself" in danger and horrible situations.

I don't know why atp I am lost , ik I have a problem but I don't want to confront it.