Likely chemical pregnancy after strong positive tests & good first Beta HCG

Hi all,

I'm in total shock and I don't know what to do.

I'm currently 14dp6dt of a good quality euploid embryo, which I got pregnant with via a natural modified FET. I have been obsessively testing my levels of estrogen and progesterone using my mira analyser device and over the past two days my levels have sharply dropped and I think this pregnancy is failing. I got a good first beta of 713 at 12dp6dt and have continued to get strong positives on pregnancy urine tests. However, over the last two days my symptoms have also more or less gone. I'm going in for another HCG beta test this morning, but I can't believe this is happening to me after the hope I felt after getting great positives.

Has anyone had sharp drops in their estrogen and progesterone despite getting strong urine pregnancy tests and then it's failed?